Reasons To Start A Business & Be Your Own Boss

Last year, amidst all of the uncertainty of the COVID19 pandemic, I decided to start two business; my blog This Brits Life and By Gemma, virtual marketing, website and business services for creative small businesses, entrepreneurs and fellow bloggers.
Increasingly, with so many of us losing our jobs or finding ourselves in unstable work situations, people are finding ways to become their own boss. There are so many opportunities out there if you are willing to take a leap of faith and go for it. From running a small business or freelancing to blogging or consulting.
These are just some of the reasons to consider starting your own business.
Do Work That You Love
Starting a business and becoming your own boss means that you get to choose how to spend your time. You can set up your business your way and work the way that you enjoy working. Any hobby, talent or passion that you have can be turned into a successful business.
We spend so much of our time working so its important that we enjoy the work that we do. Working on something that you love and feel passionate about will be so much more rewarding and fulfilling that working for someone else.
Time Flexibility
This is a big reason why people become their own boss, because it means that you get to control your schedule. By being your own boss, you get to decide what you want your work-life balance to be. You can choose what hours you work, when you take breaks and flex your time depending on what you have going on in your life. You get to set your working hours, but you will need to be self-disciplined too.
More Money

When you work for someone else, your earnings are set by your employer, and generally you are exchanging time for money with a salary or hourly rate. If you are paid a salary, unless your employer pays you for overtime, all of those extra hours you get stuck having to work are essentially unpaid hours.
One of the most appealing things for me is that by becoming my own boss, not only can I define my own schedule, but I will also be able to control what I earn.
Define Your Worth
Not only does becoming an entrepreneur mean that you have uncapped earning potential, it also means that you get to define your worth. You will determine what your talents, and your time is worth rather than someone else deciding for you. Your time and your skills are valuable, and by being your own boss you can ensure that you are paid what you are worth and increase your pricing as your skills grow.
Build Your Own Empire
Rather than helping other people to build their empires and make more money you could build your own. You can put more money in your own pocket rather than other peoples. You also get the fulfillment and rewards of seeing your own success and what you are capable of. You will have grown your own business, and made it happen.
Work From Anywhere

If you set up an online business, like I have, you will literally be able to work anywhere in the world. You can be completely location independent because all you will need is your laptop and wifi. Remote working gives you countless options including travelling the world or moving overseas if you want to.
Operational & Creative Freedom
By being your own boss, you get to control everything about the work that you do, how you work and how things are managed. Everything from the online software you work with, to processes, branding, marketing and what you work on everyday is now your decision rather than someone else’s.
These are just some of the many reasons why I decided to take steps to become my own boss, have I missed any major ones? Speaking candidly it can be really be daunting and overwhelming to start a business, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. I am a firm believer that sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith and jump into the unknown. If you are thinking about becoming your own boss, I’d encourage you to go for it!