Important Life & Friendship Lessons In The Hangover Movies
One of my favorite movies and movie trilogies is The Hangover. Not only are they hilariously funny but they are also jam-packed with takeaways that we can all learn from. This is a lighthearted run down of the life and friendship lessons in the Hangover movies.
Immerse Yourself Completely In A New Group Of Friends
When we first see Alan, he offers secrecy for the stag do, even if they kill somebody, which is really extreme but it's the type of loyalty and psychopathic energy that he always has in the 3 movies.
The lesson we can learn from Alan, extreme behavior aside, is that if you find yourself surrounded by people you don’t know remind them that whatever happens, you won’t speak a word of it to anybody. And also to just completely immerse yourself in the new group of friends.
Brutal Truth About The Potential Dangers of Adultery
Remember the age-old advice about the dangers of Las Vegas, and a certain venereal disease that tends to hang around long after you depart Sin City or anywhere else after committing adultery.
No Work On Weekends
Be like Phil and forget about work as soon as your day ends. Weekends start on Friday afternoons.
Just Be Upfront About Your Plans
If you have to lie to your partner about your plans, even for a bachelor party, then that’s not a good indicator that the relationship will last.
The guys are staying at Caesar’s Palace not the Flamingo or a Motel 6. Phil and Doug’s partners know they are going to Vegas but Stu feels he has to tell his girlfriend that they are staying in wine country:
(Phil) “You think it’s strange you’ve been in a relationship for years… …and you have to lie about Vegas?
And if You Really Have To Lie, Make It A Decent Cover Up…
A winery in Napa Valley is a truly terrible cover-up for where they’re actually going. And he has to keep that lie going the whole time.
Think Of Everyone When Planning A Stag/Hen Do
Whether it’s a night in Vegas, or brunch at an IHOP think of everyone involved especially the best men or bridesmaids when planning a stag or hen do. They will all probably have to contribute to the cost, and they will probably be expecting it to be a fun time for everyone.
And Don’t Make Anyone Feel Left Out
Invite everyone to your wedding, or group activity. And don’t make anyone feel excluded.
Some People Are Always High Maintenance
Alan, Tracy’s brother, is very funny but very high maintenance. Make sure you know if people you are with require special attention to avoid any unnecessary negative situations.
Let The Dogs Out
When you are out with your friends, especially when it's your friend’s final moments of single life, don’t hold back on having a good time. Work off your excited energy, and any alcohol with dancing or a mini adventure.
Future Brother Or Sister In Law Is The Wild Card
If you are on a stag or hen do while letting the dogs out, keep an eye on the bride or groom's siblings. They probably won’t know anyone else in the group other than the bride or groom, and they are relatively unknown.
Make them feel welcome and comfortable to avoid awkwardness. Encourage them to spend more time talking and less time drinking, to save everyone from a binge-drinking mess.
Bring a Man Purse, I Mean Satchel…
Hot tip for any men reading this post. If you are going on a stag do or a wedding, remember to bring your own leather bag with you to store everyone’s things. Put the items in a bag, set it aside, and take great wedding photos with bulge-free pants.
Find The Roof
On a night out, or a stag/hen do start your evening off right by finding the roof. You never wanna finish your night there, but nothing beats a beautiful skyline or incredible arrangement of stars as a backdrop for the first drink of the night.
Create Lasting Memories
You only live once. Always create memories that will last forever.
Beware Of Substances
Say no to drugs. Yes to pizza. Especially if the side effects of the substances include memory loss.
Don’t Drug The Groom (Or Bride) Less Than 48 Hours Before Their Wedding
You don’t need party enhancers to have a good time, especially at a bachelor or bachelorette party.
The guys in The Hangover could have saved themselves a lot of trouble by bringing their own flasks
Especially With Ruphylin
Proceed with extreme caution if you bring someone who may drug you…especially if they might give you roofies. Then you will definitely lose your memory.
The Groom (Or Bride) Should Have Little To No Responsibilities
Doug literally has the lowest usage rate of any main character in a movie since Private Ryan in Saving Private Ryan because on a stag or hen do the groom or bride-to-be should have no responsibilities.
The last thing he needs to worry about is an abandoned baby, a stolen pet, or paying the hotel bill. So Doug is just there for the story’s narrative arch and goes missing for most of the movie.
Never Pull Out Your Own Tooth
…Unless you want to look like a Hillbilly
Avoid Barber’s Shops & Tattoo Parlours (When You’re On Drugs Or Drunk)
What Happens In Vegas…
Those lasting memories you make with your friends, especially if they were made in Vegas, are to stay secret forever….they should never be disclosed to anyone. Ever.
Jungle Cats Don’t Belong In Bathrooms
We all love animals, and the guys in the Hangover love cats but taking a jungle cat and putting it in your hotel bathroom is never a smart move.
Always Wear Pants
“goddam can you put on some pants”
Alan and Leslie Chow are both seen pantless in “The Hangover.” Don’t be like Alan and Leslie Chow. Ever.
If You Can’t Remember Anything About Last Night…
You probably had a great time
Stu: Why do you think we can’t remember anything from last night?
Phil: Because obviously, we had a great f*@ing time!
Have A Childcare Strategy
If there will be children present at an event or during a crisis, then you need a baby watcher. Choose someone outside the circle for this responsibility, and just be on-call in case of emergency or to provide relief.
Brunch Is Always A Good Plan
Especially after a really heavy night of drinking. Kill your hangover with a Mimosa or Bloody Mary.
When you’ve lost a friend, inherited an unknown baby, and a tiger…
Don’t call the police — instead, do some problem solving by working backward from your starting point. This is assuming that you are smart enough to figure things out
Check Your Pockets The Next Morning
It’s normal to lose track of certain items after a long night of socializing. Pockets are the go-to for mindless security while in public and sometimes they become forgotten and thrown in the laundry. So always check your pockets after a night out, a weekend away, or a vacation. There might be clues in them after all.
If Valet Bring You A Cop Car…
Play it cool and pretend it’s totally normal.
See The Fun Part Of A Bad Situation
No matter how bad a situation is, try to see the fun side. When the Wolf pack are driving around in a stolen cop car with a baby, Phil and Alan make the most of it and enjoy the novelty of being in a cop car.
Can’t you see the fun part of anything? The cop car is pretty cool.
Get Creative With Your Transport
Public transportation like buses and subways are readily available in every major city in America. If you want to class it up, you can always rent a limousine or party bus. While stealing a cop car is far down the list, apps like Lyft and Uber can get you where you need to go and will save you from being arrested.
Dentists Are Not Doctors
Even the proudest dentists will admit they’re not real doctors if you put enough pressure on them.
Always Safety First
Sometimes the best life lessons are the most obvious ones. No matter what the situation is or disaster that you are dealing with safety always comes first.
And If You Have a Head Injury, Go To Hospital
If there are two major takeaways from “The Hangover,” it’s safety first and teamwork second. As Phil, Alan, and Stu discover during brunch that Phil was in the hospital the night before. They learn at the hospital that he was diagnosed with a mild concussion. Later, during the credits, we can conclude that he got this concussion during a brawl with Wayne Newton. Stu, of course, threw a punch at the Vegas legend and Phil tried to hold him back which caused the injury. The Wolfpack made the responsible choice by getting Phil checked by a doctor.
Like Phil, you should also always go to the hospital if you get shot by a drug dealer with a monkey.
In A Disaster Focus On The Unusual
Baby, tiger, cop car….don’t ignore the obvious random things in a disaster. Doug was missing, Stu was missing a tooth, Alan was missing a bag and Phil had a hospital bracelet — but none of these things are that unusual compared to having a random baby, a fully grown tiger or a cop car. Especially not in Vegas. On a drunken night out, blacking out isn’t that unusual either.
Phil, Stu and Alan probably would have found Doug quicker if they had focused on those 3 most random things.
Get Professional Help
When they figure out that Phil was in the hospital last night, they use the clues they collect from around their room and items in their pockets to piece it all together. At the local hospital they learn the cause of their amnesia, confirm that at the time Doug was with them, and learn that there was a wedding.
Instead of trying to work out where they went after the hospital, they focus on where they went prior. It is a comedy after all.
But what they did right is ask the doctor for help by getting as much information from him as they can.
If You Accidentally Marry A Hooker & She Is Nicer Than Your Girlfriend…
That’s a big sign that you should break up with her.
Never Match the Groom (or Bride!) At A Wedding
The light Carolina-blue tuxedo is a great look for a group of groomsmen, but it shouldn’t match the groom. Instead, the guys should’ve brought along matching bottle openers.
Get the High Roller Package for Easy Commemorative Wedding Gifts
Stu did very little during his time in Vegas that would make him a good role model but he did buy the high-roller package at Eddie’s wedding venue. Amongst all the commemorative items there were probably gifts that every member of the Wolfpack could appreciate.
You Don’t Always Have To Answer Your Phone
Especially to your girlfriend who thinks you are in Napa Valley, when you are in Vegas, about to get into a stolen cop car with a baby outside the chapel where you married a stripper last night.
Babies Don’t Sound Like Baby Goats
Just in case you ever pretend to be in Napa Valley with tractors and goats when you are in fact in Vegas in a cop car with a screaming baby.
Never Bring Your Grandmother’s Holocaust Ring to the Bachelor Party
… Or anywhere at all.
If you have this sacred jewelry, don’t be like Stu and pack it in your bag for one night in Vegas to show your friend. Also don’t tell your friend (who is the groom) that you’re going to propose to his girlfriend, who cheated on you, after his wedding ceremony.
In Fact…Just Never Take A Engagement Ring To A Strip Club
Especially in Vegas unless you plan to propose to someone there
Don’t Get Arrested
Another good general rule for life. The Wolfpack somehow managed to avoid getting locked up during their first night in Vegas. They weren’t so lucky the next day. Sure, petty crimes are tempting, but the last thing you want is a little kid taking your photo (on a flip phone no less) while you sit in Loserville.
On A Night Out Plan Ahead For Parking
When the Wolfpack leaves the Benz in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard, it’s because of their lack of preparation. Parking can be a real stressor when you don’t plan ahead. If you’re traveling to an unfamiliar location, make sure you have a few parking places in mind so you don’t find yourself at the impound lot later in the day.
If You Need To Bribe An Officer, Expect To Be Tasered When You Go Into Negotiations
…especially if they ask if you have a heart condition. If you’re ever in a desperate situation and need to bribe a police officer, go into negotiations with the expectation that you are going to get tasered.
Being Tazed Is Not Fun
If someone in your wedding party is a cop, remind them to leave their taser at home. The last thing you need to play with when the guys are together is a shocking device. As Rob Riggle playing Officer Franklin said:
“You’re holding 50,000 volts, little man. Don’t be afraid to ride the lightning.”
Be very afraid to ride the lightning with the wedding party. Play with some of these items instead.
Remain Positive No Matter What Happens
When you’re down on your luck, you’ve just been tased and you can’t find a member of your Wolfpack, you need to stay positive. Especially when you’re at the impound lot. Then, apologize for spreading negativity to other members of the party.
In A Crisis Get It Together
No matter how disastrous things are, you have to keep calm and hold it together.
If Your Car Is Left In A Lot Over Night You Should Check The Trunk
If you’re in an unfamiliar area, it’s hard to know what can possibly make its way into your trunk. Keep safety first by giving your trunk a quick check. This should be a no-brainer for those who have items such as crowbars that could be used against them.
If You “Fudge Up” The Night Before, Be Honest About Your Mistake
But be careful apologizing to anyone outside of the Wolfpack.
The Drug Dealer At The Liquor Store Probably Isn’t A Straight Shooter
You mean the drug dealer at the Liquor store wasn’t a good guy”
Your Idea Of Fun May Not Be the Same As Everyone Else’s
Mike Tyson LOVES Phil Collins and So Should You
Let’s be honest “In the Air Tonight” will always be a classic tune. Does anyone else also think of the Cadbury’s gorilla when they hear this tune or is it just me?
Nothing Is More Fair Than Rock, Paper, Scissors
Anytime you are with friends, and there is a task that no one wants to do, the fairest thing to do is rock, paper, scissors.
If You Need To Put Drugs In Raw Steak For A Tiger, Season It With Pepper
If you put the drugs in a raw steak for the tiger to eat, season it with pepper. Tigers love pepper, but they hate cinnamon.
Do Your Research If You Have To Sedate A Tiger
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to sedate a tiger, do a little research on how long you can expect the drugs to work.
If The Tiger Wakes Up From Sedation
Get out of the car immediately and push it the rest of the way. Just another lesson from the guys on safety first.
Security Cameras See Everything
Never, under any circumstances, relieve yourself in a lavish pool because you don’t know who is watching. And if it’s Mike Tyson’s pool, don’t even look at it.
Everyone’s got some sweetness in them
even Mike Tyson.
See The Funny Side Of Every Crisis
They’ve lost the groom, the bride's father's expensive car is wrecked, their hotel room is wrecked, Stu lost a tooth and married a stripper and they just drove (and Phil got mulled) by a tiger…but they can still laugh when something is funny
“you said he was your lucky charm and you wanted to take him home with you”
Dress To Impress
You always want to wear your Sunday Best when you’re headed to the ceremony or the Blackjack table. Something as simple as cufflinks will go a long way in impressing family, friends, and the pit boss.
Never Walk Away from the Table When You’re on a Heater
If you choose to go gambling in Vegas, or anywhere else, this is really good advice from Doug’s father-in-law.
Counting Cards Is Actually Illegal
…in case you want to try and be like Alan in Vegas.
Teamwork & A Spotter Is Required When You Gamble
“It’s not gambling when you know you’re going to win.” Alan doesn’t give us the best blackjack advice but we do see the importance of teamwork when they hit the blackjack tables to win $80,000.
Whatever you are doing, whether it's gambling, pulling a prank, or moving furniture at a wedding, always bring a spotter — it’ll be a foolproof system.
When people think of the best blackjack players of all time, two people come to mind instantly Rain Man and Alan Garner.
If A Criminal Claims To Have Your Friend Hostage, Check That They Actually Have Your Friend
When an effeminate gangster claims to be holding your best friend hostage, make sure it really is your friend before worrying about getting the ransom money or getting account codes for them.
Don’t Take People At Face Value
And just don’t take anyone at face value, especially criminals. The Wolf pack gets caught out so many times because they take Mr. Chow at face value.
Remember Your Pranks
“It’s like that time in summer camp when we put his sleeping bag on the jetty by the lake” but it’s less funny now as we forgot where we put him”
Thankfully they do remember where they put him eventually.
If You Lose A Friend, Check The Roof
Classic mixup from the Wolfpack. We generally don’t recommend returning to the scene of the crime, but if it happened to take place on top of a high building, you probably left something behind.
In hindsight, Doug really should’ve picked some better groomsmen gifts and maybe this entire thing could have been avoided.
Tuxedo Delivery Services Are Very Reliable
“The Hangover” actually stumbled into something brilliant with the risky tuxedo delivery on Interstate 15. Today, wedding parties can relax knowing if someone bought the wrong color of tie, jacket, or pants, you can have one delivered to you in no time. Places like The Black Tux will now deliver your suits when you need them.
Never Plan A Bachelor Or Bachelorette Party The Weekend Of the Wedding
No need to elaborate on this one.
Pictures Or It Didn’t Happen
Pictures or it never happened. Oversharing has become an issue in our society. Not every photo from your experience as a groomsman needs to be uploaded online. Keep some of the wilder memories to yourself by either deleting them immediately or putting them in a picture frame. Some moments are meant to be shared and remembered by only those who were a part of the adventure.
Don’t Settle In Love
If you have to lie to your partner about where you are or what you are doing if you cheat on them and/or your friends are not supportive of them or the relationship these are all huge red flags that you are not meant to be with that person and you should break up.
Keep Your Promises
Don’t violate your friends, family, and loved ones' trust by not keeping promises. That includes printing out images of that Vegas trip that were supposed to be deleted.
Expect The Unexpected
In life, always expect the unexpected. Literally, anything can happen at any time just like the Wolf pack repeatedly discover.
Everyone Can Be A Victim Of Peer Pressure
Even mature and successful dentists can succumb to peer pressure under the right circumstances like partying in Vegas and Bangkok.
Leave Vital Things In An Actual Safe Place
Putting vital account codes in the jacket of a monkey who assists with drug deals is not a smart plan. Especially when the animal belongs to Russian thugs with guns.
If You Fudge Up Again, Admit It
When Phil and Alan wake up in a nasty hotel room in Bangkok, Phil asks him what he did. He lies and swears he did nothing so Phil and Stu are even more upset when he confesses that he laced the marshmallows with drugs.
No-One Eats More Than 4 Marshmallows
That’s Alan’s insane theory when he spiked the marshmallows.
Never Give Up
In Vegas, they have a disastrous night to unravel and a missing friend to rescue. In Bangkok, they have their lives on the line again, and then they almost get murdered by Marshall or Chow.
But no matter what disasters they are dealing with they tackle it head-on and never give up which is why they are always victorious.
But Know When It’s Time To Call It In
In the Hangover I and Hangover II they keep going until they are basically out of time. Both times Phil recognizes when it’s time to fess up to everyone that they’ve messed up and face the music. They are always willing to face the consequences of their actions.
Network Like Life Is A Party
Mike Tyson, Monks, International Criminals, Strippers, Drug Retailers…you never know you will meet when you are having a good time.
The Wolf Pack present themselves in their most raw and extroverted form which attracts many people’s attention making them the news of the night — and getting them assistance from time to time. If people are your fan they will want to contribute to your fun.
Stand Up To Bullies & Haters
No explanation is necessary for this one. Never tolerate any bullying or mean behavior including from your future family in-laws.
Unleash The Demon Within
Break free from the social conditioning trap and throw your true self out into the world. Stu realized that he was over and above a dentist. It’s ok if you have a crazy side. Just be yourself.
It saves Stu from making what would have been a truly terrible mistake of marrying his awful first girlfriend Melissa who he wasn’t meant to be with at all.
It also helped him to stand up to his father-in-law and get his blessing.
And it helped him and the others to find Teddy.
Old Mistakes Can Return When You Least Expect Them To
Rightfully so, our Wolfpack remains haunted by their prior misadventures in Las Vegas and Bangkok. While those trials and tribulations may have brought them together as shared, character-building experiences, they were hard pills to swallow and the regret and curse of them continue to follow them around. It’s their Vegas past that brings the evil Marshall to them and unpredictable Chow back into their lives. It goes to show that old mistakes, while forgiven, are never forgotten and that revisiting them can be a painful experience.
Stay Away From Angry Chickens
….and never feed chickens cocaine and chicken.
Caution When Cutting Wires If You Are Colour Blind
…especially if you are also dyslexic.
Don’t Trust Criminals (or Liars)
The boys make the mistake of trusting Chow in the third Hangover movie even though by this point he’s proved himself to be a really bad person. By this point, he’s already kidnapped someone, blackmailed the boys, and stolen a lot of money and yet they trust him when he tells them that Marshall’s house is his house. The result? Arrested once again — this time for breaking and entering.
There’s Nothing Worse Than Losing Your Phone
Except maybe if you’re having a REALLY bad day like these 3 were then there are a lot of things worse than a lost phone.
And If You Do Lose Your Phone
Remember to use the Find My Phone app.
Make Your Passwords Memorable
“Your password is Baloney1”
Avoid Using Rope Made Of Bed Sheets
Need to get into a highly secured room on the top floor of a Vegas hotel? Bed sheets tied together are not as strong as you think so proceed with caution or you may get stuck and almost die.
Take Pictures Of Your Friends When They Do Crazy Things
…Like using ropes to get into the top floor of a hotel from the roof.
How to Launch a Successful Career
Alias, Wedding Crashers, Failure To Launch…I already had a HUGE crush on Bradley Cooper. You may have recognized him as Sack Lodge in the Wedding Crashers or if you are a sci-fi fan you may have seen him in Alias but it was The Hangover that skyrocketed his career and made him into a legitimate star. After The Hangover came a ton of movies with leading roles and multi-million dollar paycheques like Limitless, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, American Sniper, and A Star Is Born plus three Best Actor Oscar nominations. All of this success because of a comedy about a doomed bachelor party in Las Vegas.
Second Chances In Real Life Are Not Clean Cut
Real life is not like the movies.
Openly Talk About Deficiencies in Your Friend’s Relationships
Like That Bellhop, Sailor, I Mean Bartender, Thing
Phil handles this perfectly about Melissa. Be like Phil.
If tempers do rise, defuse the situation with a beer and friendly conversation to remind the other groomsman you truly care about their well-being.
Listen To Your Friends
If Stu hadn’t paid attention to his friends and had the Vegas adventure he would have married the wrong person.
One lone wolf can still be his own wolf pack
But he’d be much happier with a few other wolf buddies around.
Have A Wolf Pack
Be a proud member of a group that does awesome things together. They will make you survive whatever hardships come your way and will make sure your life becomes a party.
Your Friends May Not Want To Be Blood Brothers or Sisters
Blood pacts are not for everyone. Check that your friends want to be your blood brothers before you cut your hand open.
Accept New Members Into Your Wolfpack
During his lengthy scripted toast, Alan famously says “Four of us wolves running around the desert together in Las Vegas looking for…” well you know the rest. This lesson ties neatly back with the bride’s brother being a wild card. While you might not know what he’ll do next, spending quality time with this individual at a wedding will go a long way.
Don’t Spill Friends Secrets
…especially at your friends about Vegas shenanigans where your friend married a stripper at your friend's wedding.
Don’t Steal The Spotlight When Your Friend Is Getting Married
Stu getting married less than 48 hours before Doug’s wedding is not a best friend thing to do. Everything should be about your friend getting married not you. That also includes proposals btw.
You & Your Wolfpack Will Be Forever Connected
All of the hangover movies especially the first one really teach us a lot about friendship, and how lifetime connections are made through experiences shared.
Choose Your Friends Wisely
Your friends and loved ones have a huge influence on who you are, how you live your life and your well-being so choose them wisely. In the Wolfpack, Alan finds 3 fundamentally good guys who support him despite everything. No matter what happens they all take care of each other.
Don’t Drug Your Friends…Twice
Everything in these movies basically revolves around people getting drugs and dealing drugs — but you don’t need them to have a good time at all. The Wolf Pack has just as many laughs and adventures drug-free.
Celebrate Your Wolf Pack
Be a proud member of a group that does awesome things together. They make you survive whatever hardships that come your way and make sure your life becomes an awesome party.
Find Healthy Friendships
Even after everything that Alan puts Phil, Stu, and Doug through, the four of them are dependent on each other and support each other’s well-being. With the goal of getting Alan some help, he needs healthy friendships with Doug, Stu, and Phil, even if it’s built on colossal mistakes.
Always Keep Each Other Safe
Even after everything Alan has put Phil and the others through he still cares about him, treats him as a friend, and looks out for him.
Be Loyal To The Members Of Your Wolf Pack
Having healthy friendships is a great start. The glue that likely brought those friendships together and continues to protect them is loyalty. Once again, no matter the circumstances, mistakes, or frustrations, a true Wolfpack of friends maintains group loyalty. They are true to each other and back each other’s play. Without it, the healthy friendship crumbles, and those positive relationships go out a casino window.
I hope you enjoyed this lighthearted rundown of just some of the takeaways and lessons from the Hangover trilogy. Whether you love or hate these movies, I think they nail some very relatable life events and challenges.