Can Mindset & Intuition Really Affect Your Wealth?
That’s the big question that the My Million Dollar Experiment is attempting to answer.
Today, January 1st 2020, I made a decision to kick off 2021 in style by joining over 1800 people in a cool mindset and intuition social experiment to make a million dollars in one year.
You may have already seen me talking about it on my social media, and my plan is to share my progress with you on the blog and social media over the next 12 months.
Quick Disclaimer: this post contains some affiliate links. If you click on or purchase through these links, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. However, I only recommend products or services that I genuinely like and trust.
Developing A Positive Money Mindset
Your money mindset is basically your personal unique feelings and beliefs, and your attitude about money. It will drive every single decision that you make when it comes to saving, spending and handling money. How you were brought up, experiences that you have, and feelings you have about yourself will all contribute to your money mindset.
Do you have a healthy or unhealthy relationship with money? The fact is that your money mindset matters. As long as you hold on to negative and incorrect beliefs about money, you will never create the wealth you desire or deserve. I have always had an unhealthy relationship with money of scarcity and debt so my money mindset is something that I have to work on.
Money Equals Choice
So why does a positive money mindset matter so much? well money may not buy us happiness BUT it is a tool that gives us choices in life. From the work that we do, to the home we live in and the experiences we have, everything in our lives is impacted by money.
Those of us who lack money have limited or no choices whereas the wealthy have unlimited choices; they have better healthcare, better lawyers, better financial advisors etc. Whether we like or not having money means a better quality of life.
If you have savings, and access to financial resources you can quit that job that you hate and go find an employer, profession or passion project that will make you happy without worrying about how you will pay the bills.
Or if you are in an unhappy relationship living with someone and it isn’t working, you are not stuck with that person because you can’t afford to move out, or divorce.
Having money means you won’t get trapped in miserable situations where you feel you have you have no choice but to stay stuck.
Having money means borrowing money is a choice not a necessity, and if you do choose to get a loan or a credit card you will get preferential rates.
It means less stress and peace of mind knowing that your bank account is full and you have money for any emergency that might spring up unexpectedly.
Do You Desire Financial Freedom?
Financial freedom is something that I have dreamed about many times but have always struggled to achieve. This experiment is an opportunity for me to develop a healthier more positive attitude towards money, and a vibrant energy of abundance.
I am not big into anything woo woo but I do believe in the law of attraction and the power of positive energy. I know that I have more chance of getting things I desire than things I want or need. My move to Canada was something I dreamed about and desired for months, and it happened for me against all negative odds. So why can’t other desires materialize for me…and for you. Yes you reading this right now, what does your heart truly desire for 2021?
I have two big desires for the year ahead, and one of them is financial freedom.
My Million Dollar Experiment
Run by Joanna Hunter Media LTD, this experiment is a mix of mindset training and an actionable step by step plan to follow.
One year, a One Million Dollar plan, plus mindset and intuition training and access to interviews by experts and Millionaires to learn from and help you shift your consciousness alongside your fellow participants in a Facebook Group.
For the $25 sign up fee you get:
- Million Dollar Step by Step Plan on the 1st January 2021
- Online access to mindset and intuition training
- 12 Months of Facebook group support
- Weekly inspirational speakers
- PDF copy of the ‘My Million Dollar Experiment’ Book
The big question is can mindset and intuition training create a millionaire mindset and make YOU a millionaire in one year?
So far the welcome party/kick off video training, and PDF alone is worth a lot more than $25. This is is the best investment I have made in myself for a while.
Over the next 12 months, follow me as I embark on this experiment with playful curiosity and cautious optimism to see if can turn my $1 into $1mil in 12 months.
Will you join me? My Million Dollar Experiment **sign up fee will increase from $25 to $250 after Jan 3rd)